Education Architects, are you ready for NCC 2022 and the major change proposed for Primary Schools?
Under the draft version of the NCC 2022, the Australian Building Codes Board is shaking up compliance requirements for Primary Schools by requiring egress from these buildings to be direct to open space, unless the school is limited to 4-storeys in height and only contains primary school uses within the building.
Fortunately, the draft provisions clarify that primary school uses include classrooms, offices, staff rooms, halls, canteens, carparks, end-of-trip facilities and the like, which are provided solely for the primary school, or a school which incorporates the primary school. However, if adopted in the final version of the NCC, the proposed changes will have the potential to impact both the design and programme of:
VERTICAL SCHOOLS - These are typically 6-storeys or more and would therefore need to be addressed as a Performance Solution by a Fire Engineer and be subject further assessment by Fire & Rescue NSW in order to comply with these provisions; and
SHARED FACILITIES - School buildings made available to the community and joint use projects, such as the sporting facility at School Infrastructure NSW's recently completed Bella Vista Public School. The sporting facility at this school connects to and forms part of the recently completed school buildings, but is also shared with the public as part of a joint use agreement with the Hills Shire Council and therefore would result in a departure with the requirements were it being assessed against the Draft NCC 2022.
As the 1 September NCC 2022 adoption date draws closer, Code Consultancy Group will be preparing the industry by sharing key changes. Hit follow on the CCG page if you want to keep up to date with the latest updates on NCC/BCA, fire safety and building regulations.
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